Proprioception and Neuromuscular Control in Knee Functional Joint Stability

Leiðbeinandi: Dr Nicholas Clark, PhD, MSc, MCSP, MMACP, CSCS.

Lokað fyrir skráningu

  • Dagsetning:
    19. nóvember 2021 - 20. nóvember 2021
  • Staðsetning: Húsnæði Ísí, Engjavegi 6
  • Tími:
    08:30 - 17:00
  • Bókunartímabil:
    23. júní 2021 - 18. nóvember 2021
  • Almennt verð:
    70.200 kr.
  • Fagdeild verð:
    64.800 kr.

Skráning hefst 23.6.2021 kl. 12:00

ATH: aðeins fyrir þau sem hafa lokið grunnnámskeiði 2019 eða í júní 2021

ATH: Verð fyrir fagdeild hækkar í  64.800 þann 8.10.2021

To present you with the scientific information and proven clinical techniques necessary for you to always be able to design and apply reasoned and justifiable interventions in late-stage rehabilitation for ACL, PCL, MCL, and meniscus injury and surgery for agility sport athletes.

Psychosocial Elements of the Biopsychosocial Model in Late-Stage Knee Rehabilitation: looks closely at five psychosocial elements in a way that helps uncover your athletes' deeper psychoemotional barriers for progressing to/through late-stage knee rehabilitation so that you can then use three strategies to increase psychoemotional support for your athletes and better facilitate their higher-level knee exercise rehabilitation -- after you've heard about these elements and strategies, you'll be able to create an even deeper therapeutic alliance that optimises shared decisionmaking and strengthens your athletes' psychoemotional readiness for a safe and effective return-to-sport


Nick has more than 21 years of clinical experience including work at London NHS teaching hospitals, at Saracens Rugby Union Football Club, in private practice with elite games players and contemporary dancers, and with British Army Airborne Forces and the Royal Marines. His past higher education experience includes undergraduate and postgraduate lecturing and external examining at several universities in the United Kingdom and United States including University College London (MSc Manual Therapy, MSc Sports Physiotherapy), King's College London (MSc Manual Therapy), and the University of Pittsburgh (MSc Sports Medicine). Nick's past and present research spans knee injury prevention and rehabilitation in games players (football, rugby, netball), lower limb injury prevention and performance enhancement in military Special Forces, and knee post-trauma osteoarthritis in games players and military personnel. He has been a Clinical Supervisor and Clinical Examiner for the Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (MACP), a manuscript Reviewer for Physical Therapy in Sport, The Knee, and the International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, and a Research Grant Reviewer for the British Physiotherapy Research Foundation, Arthritis Research UK, and the British Medical Research Council.


Dr Nicholas Clark, PhD, MSc, MCSP, MMACP, CSCS. Senior Lecturer - Physiotherapy, Sport Rehabilitation. Group Lead, Knee Injury Control and Clinical Advancement (KICCA) Research Group. School of sports and exercise science, University of Essex, United Kingdom. Knee Consultant Physiotherapist. Clinical Specialist Sports and Military Physiotherapist. Integrated Physiotherapy and Conditioning, Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey.
Twitter: @DrNickCC


Proprioception and Neuromuscular Control in Knee Functional Joint Stability
Day 1
8.30am Registration
9.00am Introduction
9.15am Theory: epidemiology, aetiology, and classification of knee injury
9.45am Theory: psychosocial elements in late-stage knee rehabilitation

10.30am Tea/coffee

10.45am Theory: stages of sports-specific knee rehabilitation

11.30am Theory/practical: advances in understanding knee functional joint stability

12.15pm Lunch

1.00pm Theory: sensorimotor control of joint stability
1.45pm Theory/practical: advances in knee proprioception

2.30pm Tea/coffee

2.45pm Theory/practical: role of taping and bracing

3.30pm Theory/practical: clinical motor learning and brain neuroplasticity


4.15pm Theory: advances in knee neuromuscular control
5.00pm Finish

Day 2
9.00am Theory: sex differences in knee proprioception and neuromuscular control
9.45am Theory/practical: neuromechanical balance training

10.30am Tea/coffee

10.45am Theory: impulse deceleration training
11.30am Practical: impulse deceleration training

12.15pm Lunch

1.00pm Theory: clinical plyometrics
1.45pm Practical: clinical plyometrics

2.30pm Tea/coffee

2.45pm Theory/practical: low velocity movement competency retraining
3.30pm Theory/practical: high velocity agility running retraining
4.15pm Summary and questions
5.00pm Finish

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