Integrating biomechanical knowledge in knee injury rehabilitation progress

: Bringing data to an opinion fight

Lokað fyrir skráningu

  • Dagsetning:
    28. október 2022 - 29. október 2022
  • Staðsetning:
  • Tími:
    08:00 - 17:00
  • Bókunartímabil:
    15. júlí 2022 - 21. október 2022
  • Almennt verð:
    52.000 kr.
  • Fagdeild verð:
    47.000 kr.

Leiðbeinandi : Dr. Lee Herrington PhD MSc MCSP University of Salford Manchester.

Um námskeið :
"Integrating biomechanical knowledge in knee injury rehabilitation progress; bringing data to an opinion fight"

Learning outcomes
Overall: aims to develop an understanding of how to use biomechanical load insight to define patient status & drive rehab progressions

1. Identify key physical qualities required to return to performance
2. Identify relevant biomechanical loads related to patient’s specific sporting/functional physical attribute requirements
3. Understand how load exposure can be progressed through manipulation of biomechanical load knowledge
4. Be able to deliver progressive exercise interventions to achieve appropriate adaptation goals
5. Understand how to develop task aligned movement skills
6. Be able to apply knowledge in context of specific injuries; ACL, patellofemoral pain, knee osteoarthritis

Content areas:
• Performance backwards thinking
• Task specific biomechanical loads
• Biomechanical basis of exercise progression decision making
• Progression planning towards specific goals
• Building appropriate chronic capacity
• Developing effective key performance indicators & criterion based goals
• Identification of appropriate tests & tasks to monitor desired adaptive response
• Moving from closed to open skill training skill learning preferences & applying the challenge point
• Modifying approach to needs of specific injuries (ACL, patellofemoral pain, knee osteoarthritis)


Friday 28th October
09.00-10.30: Performance backwards thinking & gap analysis
10.30-10.45: Break
10.45-12.30: Identifying the starting point for rehab
12.30-13.30: Lunch
13.30-15.00: Monitoring & measuring
15.00-15.15: Break
15.15-16.30: Specific tissue considerations & adjuncts
16.30-17.00: Questions and summary

Saturday 29th October
09.00-10.30: Biomechanical basis of exercise progression decision making

10.30-10.45: Break
10.45-12.30: skill training, skill learning preferences & applying the challenge point
12.30-13.30: Lunch
13.30-15.00: Considerations in ACL rehabilitation
15.00-15.15: Break
15.15-16.30: Considerations in patellofemoral joint pain rehabilitation
16.30-17.00: Questions and summary


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