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Fascia Integration Therapy level 2
Fellur niður vegna ónógrar þátttöku
Leiðbeinandi: Ernst van der Wijk PT
ATH verð fyrir fagdeild hækkar 8.1.2025
Fascia intergration therapy (F.I.T.) Í þessari meðferð er fókusinn á bandvefskerfi líkamans. Í henni felst nákvæm skoðun á hreyfigetu og áferð vefs, sértæk meðferðartækni og æfingar til að endurheimta jafnvægi í vöðvabandvef.
Ath! Ljúka þarf Level I áður en hægt er að skrá sig á Level II
Áföll og sjúkraþjálfun
Áföll og sjúkraþjálfun; áfallafræði, áfalla-upplýst nálgun, áfallameðferð
Á þessu námskeiði verður farið í mikilvæga þætti sem tengjast því að vinna með fólki
með áfallasögu og virka áfallastreitu. Sjúkraþjálfarar sinna oft einstaklingum með
áfallastreitu og annað form af langvinnri streitu, þótt það sé sjaldnast skilgreint sem
ástæða komu. Áfallastreita og langvinn streita almennt veldur álagi og ójafnvægi í
taugakerfinu. Hjá sumum er opinskátt rætt um reynslu sem áfall en hjá öðrum birtast
einkenni í líkamanum sem verkir, bólgur, truflun í ónæmis – og hormónakerfi,
svefnvandi, meltingarvandi, óútskýrð einkenni osfr. Á þessu námskeiði fá
sjúkraþjálfarar fræðslu og kenndar leiðir til að mæta þessum hópi af meiri næmni.
Farið er ítarlega í starfsemi ósjálfráða taugakerfisins út frá Polyvagal kenningu og
mikilvægi þess að meðferðaraðili hugi að eigin taugakerfi og velferð í starfi.
Námskeið fer fram með fyrirlestrum, stuttum æfingum og umræðum.
Exploring the Future of ACL Rehabilitation: The Introduction of OPTIMove ACL RTS Continuum
Exploring the Future of ACL Rehabilitation: The Introduction of OPTIMove ACL RTS Continuum
Alli Gokeler PhDPostdoctoral researcher at Paderborn University
Dr. Alli Gokeler obtained his degree in Physical Therapy in 1990 from the Rijkshogeschool Groningen. From 1991-2001 he worked as a physical therapist in the United States and Germany. Upon return to the Netherlands, he obtained a degree in Sports Physical Therapy from the Utrecht University of Applied Science in 2003. In 2005 he started on his PhD project at the University Medical Center Groningen, Center for Rehabilitation. He has a special interest in motor control after ACL injuries. He is currently working on a post-doc track with a special focus on development of prevention programs designed to reduce incidence of ACL (second) injury rate and associated occurrence of osteoarthritis. The main focus of the current research is to determine which interventions could induce neuroplastic changes of the brain that would proof beneficial in terms on injury prevention and return to sports after an injury.
Functional training with focus on the pelvic floor and diastasis recti abdominis
Functional training with a focus on the pelvic floor and diastasis recti abdominis.
Who is the course for?
This is one of SOLHEIM´s workshops for professionals
Mostly used in working with women, but does not exclude training and treatment of men,
where both discomfort from the abdomen and rectus diastasis occur.
The course is the first of its kind to teach functional training of diastasis recti and pelvic
floor in Denmark, and since 2017 more than 400 therapists in Denmark and Norway have
taken the couse.
The course takes place live in Iceland over 2 days with theory and practice and gives you
tools in your approach to abdominal and pelvic floor training (even if you are not trained in
the gynecology field).
Teaching takes place in English.
Physio flow - Elin Solheim
Fysio Flow is made in Denmark
Fysio Flow is a Danish developed training method aimed at evidence-based practice. It is
a training method that works with the bodys connective tissue - the body´s fascial system.
The purpose of Fysio Flow training is to increase mobility and activate the body´s own
parasympathetic regulation of calm and rest.
Fysio Flow arose out of the realization that the physiotherapy profession could use
methods that work more towards movement and parasympathetic influence, which we ex.
see in yoga. But where yoga is not based on a scientific and evidence-based model for the
mechanisms of action, the many years of research and attention to the fascia system
provides the opportunity for an evidence-based practice that provides scientific explanation
models for the importance of the fascia system both in relation to pain, stress, immune
reactions, fluid conditions, muscle strength and mobility.
Over 1,400 therapists in Denmark, the Faroe Islands, Norway and Iceland have been
certified since 2013, and are using Fysio Flow as a training method.
Mastering Hip & Buttock Pain
Snemmskráning félagsfólks hefst föstudaginn 31.1.25. Aðrir en félagar í FS geta skráð sig frá og með 14.2.2025.
Verð fyrir fagdeild hækkar 14.3.2025 og verður 115.000 kr.
Mastering Hip & Buttock Pain
Tutor: Dr. Alison Grimaldi
With over 30 years of clinical experience and particular expertise in the management of hip, groin and lumbopelvic pain and dysfunction, Dr Alison Grimaldi is Principal Physiotherapist at PhysioTec and an Adjunct Senior Research Fellow at the University of Queensland, and a Fellow of the Australian College of Physiotherapists. Alison has authored or co-authored over 30 peer-reviewed scientific papers, contributed to three leading clinical texts, conducted over 100 clinical workshops and presented over 50 keynote, invited or podium conference presentations around the globe. Alison also runs a Hip Academy with online learning and live mentoring at www.dralisongrimaldi.com
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