Anatomy Trains in Structure and Function

Leiðbeinandi: Tom Myers

Lokað fyrir skráningu

  • Dagsetning:
    10. nóvember 2021 - 11. nóvember 2021
  • Staðsetning: Húsnæði Ísí, Engjavegi 6
  • Tími:
    08:30 - 16:00
  • Bókunartímabil:
    1. október 2021 - 9. nóvember 2021
  • Almennt verð:
    120.000 kr.
  • Fagdeild verð:
    90.000 kr.

Tom Myers höfundur Anatomy Trains mun koma til landsins í nóvember og ætlar að vera með kvöldfyrirlestur fyrir okkur þriðjudaginn 9 nóvember. 

Með stuttum fyrirvara ákvað hann að hafa 3 daga námskeið 8.- 10. nóvember, frá mánudegi til miðvikudags kl 8:30-16:30 alla dagana, fyrir félagsfólk í Félagi sjúkraþjálfara. 

ATH: Skráningarfrestur er stuttur, til 22 október kl 12:00 svo endilega skráið ykkur sem fyrst. Þá verður ákveðið hvort af námskeiðinu verði eftir því hve margir skrá sig. Það eru 20 pláss laus og þetta verður hands- on vinna


Thomas Myers, is author of the acclaimed Anatomy Trains (Elsevier 2001, 2009, 2014), and director of Anatomy Trains which offers courses in manual therapy and the anatomy of movement worldwide. Tom is one of the world’s foremost structural body workers, an expert in fascia and creator of Anatomy Trains, a method that provides a system of understanding fascia and how the human body negotiates between stability and mobility. He studied with Ida Rolf, Moshe Feldenkrais, and Buckminster Fuller and has practiced integrative bodywork for more than 40 years. Tom has contributed over 65 articles for trade magazines and journals. He lives, writes, and sails on the coast of Maine.


One short course. . . long-lasting results for you!

A revolutionary map with practical results! Transform your view of myofascial anatomy and expand your ability to assess postural and movement patterns, and to create lasting fascial change with your hands. In this new and expanded 21-hour workshop format you will learn about the myofascial tissue and its many roles in the body. You will begin to appreciate how the body incorporates the Anatomy Train Lines to create easy and graceful movement – provided they are in some form of balance and harmony; restriction or weakness in one section can have many knock-on effects elsewhere.

This workshop will show you how that happens, how to trace the lines of strain and, most importantly, how you can develop strategies to deal with them.

This is the first workshop to combine Anatomy Trains theory alongside structural and functional anatomy and analysis, blending together the concepts of tensegrity with elastic recoil for movement efficiency.

Get the latest information on fascia, muscle, and movement


Be able to identify the 12 myofascial meridians and their link to human growth, development, perception and consciousness


Accurately “BodyRead” posture and movement; assess your clients in a new way


Gain effective myofascial and movement strategies


Develop treatment strategies specific to your clients' structural and functional patterns


Anatomy Trains in Structure & Function courses give you new techniques to transform structure by reaching deeper issues in the tissues.

Note: This course the pre-requisite for the ATSI Professional Certification Training.


Ef fólk hefur áhuga á að taka ATSI Professional Certification Training þá er mælt með því að hafa tekið þetta námskeið en svo er mikið úrval af online námskeiðum til að taka í framhaldi af þessu námskeiði sjá hér að neðan.


Anatomy Trains in Structure and Function / Structural Essentials Program

Functional, Fascial and Structural approaches in one program


Understand how the body really moves,


Break the myths of anatomy and physiology


And learn to make the appropriate changes to maximize efficiency.


Note: It is strongly recommended to take the Anatomy Trains in Structure & Function course before taking the SE courses. Familiarity with the Anatomy Trains lines and concepts is key to getting the most from the program

Begin your journey with: Anatomy Trains in Structure and Function

Í framhaldinu eftir að þetta námskeið er tekið er sniðugt að kíkja á þessi námskeið (mörg hver online)

Continue your journey with:

The Structural Essentials Series. These regional intensives combine global postural assessment with movement and manual techniques for efficient and long-lasting results.  Each of the 6 SE classes is based on consistent functional movement concepts, applied to everyday movement and our new understanding of myofascial efficiency and whole body response. Important research findings are integrated into the presentations, along with cutting-edge applications that can be used for clients on your next day in clinic.

Designed for the busy manual therapist, the SE workshops are most easily absorbed in the order outlined below but you can do them in any order as time permits.

Arches and the Legs – 3 days


Fans of the Hip – 2 ½ days


Abdomen, Chest and Breath – 2 ½ days


Tensegrity Spine – 2 days


Shoulders & Arms – 2 days


Head, Neck & Jaw – 2 days

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