AFLÝST: Advanced upper body dry needling course

Leiðbeinandi:Dr. Johnson McEvoy PT BSc MSc DPT MISCP MCSP

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  • Dagsetning:
    3. apríl 2022 - 4. apríl 2022
  • Staðsetning: Húsnæði Ísí, Engjavegi 6
  • Tími:
    08:30 - 17:30
  • Bókunartímabil:
    11. janúar 2022 - 2. mars 2022
  • Almennt verð:
    80.000 kr.
  • Fagdeild verð:
    74.000 kr.

Leiðbeinandi: Dr. Johnson McEvoy PT BSc MSc DPT MISCP MCSP

ATH: verð fyrir fagdeild hækkar þann 18.2.2022 og verður 74000 ISK

ATH2: TIl að taka þátt í þessu námskeiði þurfa þátttakendur að hafa lokið við grunnnámskeiðið í DN20 og hafa notað í klínískri vinnu


Course Contents


During this two-day advanced course participants will learn the diagnosis, physical examination and Dry Needling of the most common muscles of the upper half of the body. The course is a hands on course. Participants practice Dry Needling under consistent supervision with each other.


Please note, recognition of Dry Needling depends on the country of practice, and it is the responsibility of each graduate to follow the local regulations.



Markmið og dagskrá





Course Objectives


Upon completion of the course, participants will ...

be able to identify the most common muscles of the upper half of the body by surface anatomy, palpation and function and understand their clinical symptoms and perpetuating factors.


be able to identify the features of trigger points by physical examination and apply this knowledge to the most common muscles of the upper half of the body.


be able to perform Dry Needling for the most common muscles of the upper half of the body.


have updated their knowledge about research in the field of the myofascial pain syndrome and trigger points.



Um leiðbeinandann

Johnson McEvoy is a Chartered Physiotherapist in private practice in Ireland. He graduated with a BSc in physiotherapy in 1993 from Trinity College Dublin and subsequently worked in the USA for four years. He holds a masters degree in sports physiotherapy (2004) and a doctorate from the University of St Augustine in Florida (2008). He works as head physiotherapist with Irish Amateur Boxing since 2003 and was an accredited Olympic Physiotherapist in Athens in 2004. He has a keen interest in myofascial pain and dry needling and tends to have a multimodal approach to patient care. In Ireland since 2004 he has trained over 500 physiotherapists in trigger point palpation and has recently co-authored a chapter reviewing trigger point reliability studies (2009). He is an instructor with the DGSA and has taught dry needling in Ireland since 2006.



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