Pain Science Education

Leiðbeinandi: Dr. Morten Hoegh

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  • Dagsetning:
    20. maí 2022 - 22. maí 2022
  • Staðsetning: Húsnæði Ísí, Engjavegi 6
  • Tími:
    08:30 - 16:30
  • Bókunartímabil:
    24. febrúar 2022 - 18. maí 2022
  • Almennt verð:
    96.000 kr.
  • Fagdeild verð:
    89.000 kr.

Leiðbeinandi: Dr. Morten Hoegh

ATH: Verð fyrir fagdeild hækkar þann 25.3 og verður 89000 ISK

Dr. Morten Hoegh er danskur sjúkraþjálfari sem hefur kennt námskeið um verki víða um heim. Hann hefur tekið að sér verkefni fyrir evrópsku verkjasamtökin, meðal annars varðandi námsskrá fyrir diplomanám í verkjameðferð og varðandi kennslu um verki á netinu. Haldið verður ítarlegt námskeið um verki og í framhaldi gefst þátttakendum kostur á að taka regluleg netnámskeið og fá handleiðslu til þess að gangast undir próf á vegum evrópsku verkjasamtakanna til þess að ljúka diplomanámi. Viðkomandi verða þá handhafar EDPP, European Diploma in Pain Physiotherapy sem er litið á sem "gullstandard" þekkingar og meðferðar á verkjum.

Being able to understand the difference between tissue damage, pain and suffering is essential to understanding, assessing and managing chronic pain. Or put more simply; we cannot "manage" what we don't understand, so in order to help people with chronic pain we need to make it understandable. This course will give you the necessary knowledge to start putting the puzzle together with your patients.
This course has a unique blend of academic/science and clinical experience/theories to support the clinician in allowing their patients to be experts on the lived-experience of pain. After the course, participants will be able to:
Understand the concept of a theory as opposed to a scientific explanation in relation to pain
Understand and apply mechanism-based assessment to evaluate primary and secondary hyperalgesia in patients with acute and chronic pain
Apply current knowledge about the descending pain modulatory system to clinical practice
Understand best evidence for treating non-specific chronic low back pain and wide-spread pain (fibromyalgia)
Use science to help patients create a helpful narrative that explains why they feel pain and what can be done to help them (psychoeducation)

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