Maximizing Outcomes in Stroke Rehabilitation:

Translating Evidence in Motor Learning to Patient Care

Lokað fyrir skráningu

  • Dagsetning:
    21. apríl 2023 - 22. apríl 2023
  • Staðsetning:
  • Tími:
    08:30 - 17:00
  • Bókunartímabil:
    1. febrúar 2023 - 4. apríl 2023
  • Almennt verð:
    110.000 kr.
  • Fagdeild verð:
    102.000 kr.

Friday, April 21 st from 8am for 4 hours: 2.5 hours: Maximizing Outcomes in Stroke Rehabilitation:Translating Evidence in Motor Learning to Patient Care.

This course will cover UE, LE recovery of the extremities, gait and mobility, motor learning, sensory recovery and neuroplasticity

Then, starting at 1pm, for 4 hours: Dual Task Rehabilitation: Translating the science into practice

Including patient demonstration with focus as the host indicates:



Parkinson Disease

Imbalance/frail elderly



Saturday, April 22 nd , 5.5 hours across two topics: Parkinson Disease and the Parkinsonisms: Diagnosis

and management and, separately starting at 11am: Subtypes of Parkinson Disease: Individualizing your


*The course finish time on Saturday will be dependent on decisions about a full hour lunch break at

12pm or not.

Lokað fyrir skráningu