Höfuðverkir og efri hálshryggur (seinna námskeið)

með Dr. Toby Hall

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  • Dagsetning:
    24. september 2023 - 25. september 2023
  • Staðsetning:
  • Tími:
    09:00 - 17:00
  • Bókunartímabil:
    6. júní 2023 - 8. ágúst 2023
  • Almennt verð:
    84.000 kr.
  • Fagdeild verð:
    74.000 kr.

Toby Hall er einn þekktasti og fremsti sérfræðingur í heimi varðandi meðferð á hálsi og sérstaklega höfuðverkjum og er professor við Curtin háskólann í Ástralíu.  Það var mikið lán að ná að fá hann til Íslands þ.e hann var að halda námskeið á Ítalíu og Frakklandi og náði að bæta Íslandi við.  Þetta mun verða seinasti möguleiki á að læra af Toby þ.e hann mun hætta sökum aldurs í haust.

This is an eclectic manual therapy programme combining techniques from many different manual therapy concepts. This eclectic approach provides clinicians with a range of tools to safely manage patients with a variety of different upper cervical pain disorders. An important part of this course is clinical evaluation. There is also a strong emphasis on teaching clinicians the ability to perform an accurate and specific examination to determine the presence of cervical impairments suitable for intervention in headache..This course will be conducted in lecture, tutorial and workshop format for the clinician or academic who is interested in manual therapy, manual medicine or musculoskeletal medicine. It is anticipated that the course content will be suitable to individuals who are seeking new knowledge, to individuals seeking to expand their knowledge and to those individuals seeking the stimulation of clinical interaction. Whilst the course will be presented at a high level this should not be seen as a barrier to participation for those with little or with no previous experience in this special area. As a result of attending this course it is anticipated that participants will gain personal satisfaction as in a variety of ways, which will enhance their individual requirements. There are therefore no pre-requisites for participation.

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