The Shoulder: Steps to Success

Leiðbeinandi: Jo Gibson MSc MCSP

Lokað fyrir skráningu

  • Dagsetning:
    4. maí 2024 - 5. maí 2024
  • Staðsetning: Stígandi sjúkraþjálfun
  • Tími:
    08:30 - 17:00
  • Bókunartímabil:
    8. mars 2024 - 12. apríl 2024
  • Almennt verð:
    126.000 kr.
  • Fagdeild verð:
    101.000 kr.

Snemmskráning félagsfólks hefst föstudaginn 8.3.24 kl. 12:00. Aðrir en félagar í FS geta skráð sig frá og með 15.3.2024. 

Verð fyrir fagdeild hækkar 29.3.2024 og verður 101.000 kr. 

The Shoulder - Steps to Success

Tutor: Jo Gibson MSc MCSP

Jo has been teaching her shoulder course for over 22 years. During her career she has travelled all over the UK, Europe and the rest of the world to work with and observe some of the World's leading shoulder experts. Her involvement in original research, study at Masters level and vast experience of treating patients with shoulder problems has enabled her to develop a simple, evidence-informed approach to rehabilitation of the shoulder that is immediately applicable in practice. The course is constantly updated as a result of emerging evidence and feedback from course participants but essentially reflects the approach Jo uses everyday in clinical practice to the benefit of patients. The course is designed to be honest, fun and interactive and includes plenty of treatment tips and real-life examples

Learning Objectives

1. Review the challenges posed by the current evidence regarding assessment and management of patients with shoulder pain.

2. To demonstrate a simple structured approach to assessment to inform immediately where to start with treatment.

3. To examine the role and relevance of the kinetic chain in shoulder pain and it's potential to facilitate rehabilitation.

4. To explore simple treatment approaches based on the current evidence to successfully manage patients with common shoulder conditions within a biopsychosocial framework.

5. To examine factors impacting pain sensitivity and tissue health and how this informs management.

6. To discuss factors that influence outcome and enhance exercise adherence and explore strategies to address them

7. To consider the importance of communication and language on patient's pain experience.



Day 1.

08.45 Registration

09.00 Setting the scene – the current state of play ?
Why do we think the shoulder is so complicated?

10.30 Coffee

10.45 The Rotator Cuff & the Scapula: Partners in Crime? 
Research versus reality & assessment dilemmas: Keeping it simple!

12.30 Lunch

13.30 The Kinetic Chain and Dynamic Slings
Putting the shoulder in context: It's all about ‘normal'movement

14.30 Is it torn and does it matter? Is it all over for special tests?

15.00 Coffee

15.15 The Stiff Shoulder
Frozen or not? Differential diagnosis- can we? Can we do better than supervised neglect?

16.30 Finish


Day 2.

09.00 The Irritable shoulder – where to start?
Acute causes of shoulder pain- when we can diagnose what does it mean to management?

10.30 Coffee

10.45 The Irritable shoulder – making life easier for the shoulder
Dilemmas, debates & decision making

12.30 Lunch

13.30 Shoulder Pain : Fit for function!
Can't go wrong trying to get strong??? Debates, controversies and being Sensible plus simple exercise progression.

14.45 Coffee

15.00 Getting it right from the start: Steps to Success
The power of language & communication.

16.15 Summary – Key messages

16.30 Finish

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