Blood Flow Restriction Training

Leiðbeinandi: Mathias Thoelen

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  • Dagsetning:
    26. október 2024
  • Staðsetning: Stígandi sjúkraþjálfun
  • Tími:
    09:00 - 17:00
  • Bókunartímabil:
    5. júlí 2024 - 25. október 2024
  • Almennt verð:
    75.000 kr.
  • Fagdeild verð:
    50.000 kr.

Snemmskráning fagdeildar FS hefst föstudaginn 5.7.24 kl. 12:00. Aðrir en virkir félagar í fagdeild FS geta skráð sig frá og með 12.7.2024. 

Verð fyrir fagdeild hækkar 30.8.2024 og verður 50.000 kr. 


Blood Flow Restriction Training: Conservative and postoperative rehabilitation of musculoskeletal pathologies

About the course:
Blood Flow Restriction Training (BFRT) is currently a hot topic around the world. This course is for rehabilitation professionals who want to understand the power and science behind BFR and how it can be applied within the injured population. You will learn to recognize an indication, as well as how to start applying BFR evidence-based, safely and in an objective manner in the rehabilitation of your patients with musculoskeletal pathologies.

The application of BFRT in both conservative and post-operative rehabilitation of lower and upper extremities will be explained and critically discussed. You will learn how to perform a medical screening and get an objective and independent review of all BFR materials. You will also get to work with the various materials yourself during practical sessions.

Blood Flow Restriction Training is a form of strength and endurance training in which significant gains can be achieved at low intensity and low external mechanical load. Thus, the general indication of BFR training is when load capacity is reduced due to injury, surgery (where tissue repair must be respected) or pain, and the high-intensity training that is appropriate for maintaining and/or building muscle strength and mass is therefore not possible. A cuff is applied as close as possible to the hip or shoulder joint. Afterwards, the "Limb Occlusion Pressure" is measured with a Doppler or automatic device and then certain concepts will be applied to a well-considered percentage of this pressure in order to establish an optimal training program. Here, veins are completely occluded and arteries undergo only partial restriction.

Hér er ítarlegri kynning á BFRT sem tekin var saman af Stefáni Ólafssyni sérfræðing í íþróttasjúkraþjálfun og Tómasi Gunnari Tómassyni sjúkraþjálfara

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