Functional training with focus on the pelvic floor and diastasis recti abdominis

Skráning stendur yfir

  • Dagsetning:
    4. apríl 2025 - 5. apríl 2025
  • Staðsetning: Auglýst síðar
  • Tími:
    09:00 - 16:00
  • Bókunartímabil:
    3. janúar 2025 - 9. mars 2025
  • Almennt verð:
    87.000 kr.
  • Fagdeild verð:
    74.000 kr.

You will learn about

The course is based on the latest research and knowledge, the book KVINDE BEVÆG
DIG STÆRK – slut med junktræning, which was published by Muusmann Forlag in
October 2017, as well as clinical experience and experience from thousands of women
who have worked with SOLHEIMs online platform.
Diastasis recti:
o What is split stomach muscles (diastasis recti abdominis), is it natural or a problem?
o When do you have split abs: Symptoms and important aspects for diagnosis in split abs
o Is it always a problem: important nuances in the problematization of the condition, as
well as when the problem is functional and hardly tissue-specific
o How do we guide: Perspectives on the questions we get and the answers we can give,
and can we guide at all?
o Go-to exercises for different degrees of split abdominal muscles, and is it even relevant
to distinguish between mild and significant degrees of conditions in relation to the choice of
o How does movement quality, graduation of load, and time matter?
o How can the structures of the fascial system be influenced and provide increased
stability in Rectus Diastasis, and how can this be trained functionally?
Pelvic floor:
o How can the pelvic floor be trained more functionally when new knowledge about the
Fascial System, long myofascial chains and functional movement is included?
o How do we work with the body's core without getting lost in local structures, and with a
focus on the core's interaction with and importance for the rest of the body?
o How does it look in practice when breathing is integrated and followed, and the core is
trained as a pressure-tolerant container, and by isolated muscle training?
o How does curl-ups fit ind, and how to change it into something more functional?

2 days of teaching theory and practical training:
o Introduction to movement & loading, background & scope, functional training, stability &
quality of movement

o Core anatomy & function, the fascial system as part of the core, and interoception
o The pelvic floor as a structure, its work & task, more about the fascial connections of the
pelvic floor, body stories and positioning
o Pelvic floor partners in breathing, deep transverse abdominis and glutes, and summary
of pelvic floor related to running and jumping
o What is diastasis recti & the occurrence, what do we know about tests/investigations,
what does the evidence say, what do we do in practice and what can rectus diastasis look
o Diastasis recti and training, what will we influence with training, capacity & progression,
training phases, other factors that come into play
o Diastasis recti & surgery and when surgery should be considered
o Examination and training in practice, including diagnosis, cues for training, functional
integration in training & everyday life, conclusion and summary

For more information:

About the teacher Elin Solheim
Elin Solheim is a Norwegian physiotherapist living in Denmark since 2002 and trained in
Norway in 1998.
She is the woman behind SOLHEIM Beveg Dig Stærk/, Fysio
Flow/, as well as her own physiotherapy clinic in Vedbæk, north of
Elin has over 25 years of experience as a physiotherapist, and for more than 10 years
worked focused with exercise interventions related to connective tissue, as well as
women's diseases. Especially women's problems related to the pelvis, pelvic floor,
stomach and the function of the core, including problems that arise in connection with- and
many years after pregnancy and childbirth, but not always only in that context.

This takes place both digitally through the online platform and courses for women at, publication of the book Kvinde Beveg Dig Stærk, Fysio Flow App, as
well as workshops and individual consultations at the clinic in Vedbæk. In addition she has
for the last 10 years been teaching physiotherapists, chiropractors and other professionals
in Denmark, Norway and Iceland in her methods.








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