Physio flow - Elin Solheim

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Skráning stendur yfir

  • Dagsetning:
    6. apríl 2025
  • Staðsetning: Auglýst síðar
  • Tími:
    09:00 - 16:00
  • Bókunartímabil:
    3. janúar 2025 - 9. mars 2025
  • Almennt verð:
    87.000 kr.
  • Fagdeild verð:
    74.000 kr.

How can Fysio Flow be used?
Fysio Flow can be used as grouptraining or individual training, and home exercises.
Specific Fysio Flow groups can be created, or it can be implemented in already existing
groups as a supplement.
Many physiotherapists set up Fysio Flow group trainings which are diagnosis specific, e.g.
targeted Parkinsons, breast surgery patients, back pain, stress, scar tissue problems etc.
In individual treatment, Fysio Flow is often used in combination with other manual
treatment, where influencing the function of the fascia and the body´s calm and rest system

can be beneficial.
The purpose of Physio Flow training
Fysio Flow is a way of training that influences the dimensions that affects the fascial
system indirectly through the nervous system and breathing, as well as affecting overall
mobility. We train the facial system, and stimulate the sliding between the different layers,
so that you experience less pain and greater freedom of movement.
• Fysio Flow aims to stimulate the sliding between the many layers of the body´s
structures, eg between muscles and organs.
• Fysio Flow is also about influencing the fascia itself being as hydrated, elastic, resilient
and mobile as possible.
• At the same time, Fysio Flow is aiming to lower sympathetic activity, because this is one
of the dimensions that has a great influence on the function of the fascia system and how
we feel in our body.

What you will learn

You will get the latest knowledge about the fascia system, including plasticity and what we
can influence through movement. You will learn about dimensions that have an impact,
such as breathing, mental and emotional state, stress and biomechanical conditions. You
will get experiences in how Fysio Flow feels in your own body and train practical
application of the theoretical knowledge through exercises and movement, including
making an entire, coherent Fysio Flow training sequence.
Online + Live
The theoretical teaching takes place online, so that we can focus on the practical part and
application of the theory when we meet on a single day. Online teaching has proven to
provide a deeper integration of the theory over time, as well as in one's daily practice,
which comes in handy when we meet for the practical teaching. Knowledge is stored layer
by layer, and you get the opportunity to do this by taking the theoretical part at your own
pace. Some workplaces have taken the course as a development course, with smaller
groups that meet along the way.
- There will also be 2 online masterclasses where you can experience Fysio Flow in
your own body.
- Teaching online is in Danish, and you can watch it at your own pace, watch it
several times, and you have perpetual access.
- There is still plenty of opportunity to follow up on questions, both through quizzes
along the way, but also when we meet.
On the practical day, we will work on applying the theoretical knowledge through exercises
and movement. We will work with the joint professional reflection, which we cannot do
without, and which you can immediately transfer into practice. You will also get a
masterclass when we meet for the practical day, and get the opportunity to put together an
entire, coherent Fysio Flow training sequence yourself.
- This teaching takes place in English.
- Course evidence and certification are issued at the end of the practical training.

You get in total
10 hours of online teaching, divided into 8 modules in Danish.
You have lifetime access and take the lessons at your own pace, but should be finished
before the practical day
7 hours of practical teaching in Iceland in English. Here we will work with cases in groups
where theory is anchored in practice with exercises, joint professional reflection and a
Content on Fysio Flow course online + live
o Fascial system anatomy and modality: Fascia and Sliding System/Loose irregular
connective tissue

o Physiology and plastisity of the fascial system
o Review of the most important myofascial connections and Anatomy Trains
o The fascial system in relation to scar tissue, spasticity and cancer
o The autonomic nervous system and its importance for fascia and mobility
o The fascial system and interoception, mechanoreception, proprioception and pain
o Female sex hormones, fascia and pain
o Fascia training through active, dynamic stretches
o Breathing and relaxation
o Building Physio Flow training in practice
The course gives the right to use Fysio Flow training as a method and create specific
Fysio Flow teams, as well as the option to buy access to the Fysio Flow App.
For more information:








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