Námskeið FS: ACT - Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

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  • Dagsetning:
    16. mars 2019 - 17. mars 2019
  • Staðsetning: Húsnæði Ísí, Engjavegi 6
  • Tími:
    08:30 - 16:00
  • Bókunartímabil:
    12. nóvember 2018 - 15. mars 2019
  • Almennt verð:
    89.000 kr.
  • Fagdeild verð:
    69.000 kr.

Skráning hefst 12.nóvember

Kennari námskeiðsins heitir Graciela Rovner og hélt hún fyrirlestur á ICPPMH ráðstefnunni sem haldin var hér í Reykjavík á árinu sem vakti verðskuldaða athygli. 

ACTiveRehab and ACTivePhysio: applying the principles of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to increase function and motivation for patients with long-lasting pain.

We know that chronic conditions, such as pain can be prevented and treated by promoting lifestyles changes (1-4) . To increase physical activity and decrease sedentary time is today a priority: the most sustainable and powerful mean to improve health around the globe. We, physiotherapist, have the privilege to be experts in this critical area and thus be able to contribute to increase wellbeing and decrease suffering among our patients. However, to prompt sustainable lifestyle behavioral changes is not that easy, we succeed sometimes, and sometimes not. Why?

ACTiveRehab is a comprehensive model that streamlines the process of assessment, selection, and tailoring of ACT group interventions and CTivePhysio is the specific implementation for the physiotherapist working with patients with long-lasting pain.

The workshop's objectives are to:

  1. LEARN to integrate social, mental and physical function in a systematic and ACT-consistent way that is useful in the physiotherapeutic intervention
  2. TRIAGE to identify your clients existing resources, facilitators and barriers systematically, using the ACTiveRehab's taxonomy for the assessment, selection, and allocation of patients with chronic pain into four distinct groups with shared rehabilitation needs.
  3. EXPLAIN these four ACTiveAssessment clusters in terms of how your clients differentially deal or 'navigate' with their chronic pain
  4. PLAN and TAILOR at least two different programs for these groups using the taxonomic infrastructure of ACTiveRehab combining your existing professional tools according to with the ACTive-processes
  5. INTEGRATE the body as a metaphor for the ACT processes implementing the novel ACTiveBODY module, where BODY stand for each of the main therapeutic processes of ACT. B: Balance and strength, O: Openness and flexibility; D: Dynamic stamina and Y: your way to vitality and participation in life!

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