Balance Rehabilitation: Translating Research into Clinical Practice

Based on the work of Anne Shumway-Cook & Marjorie Wollacott

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  • Dagsetning:
    11. október 2019 - 12. október 2019
  • Staðsetning: Húsnæði Ísí, Engjavegi 6
  • Tími:
    08:30 - 16:00
  • Bókunartímabil:
    1. maí 2019 - 30. ágúst 2019
  • Almennt verð:
    72.000 kr.
  • Fagdeild verð:
    67.000 kr.

Leiðbeinandi: Krishna Gundapudi 

ATH. að verð fyrir aðila fagdeildar er 67000 frá og með 15. ágúst 2019. 

The overall goal of this course is to discuss new concepts in the assessment and treatment of balance impairments leading to loss of functional independence and falls in both neurologic, geriatric and pediatric populations. The course will review research related to the physiological basis for normal and impaired balance, and consider the application of this research in the assessment and treatment of balance disorders. The course will include three assessment labs where participants can explore tests related to the measurement of balance and mobility functions. Case studies and small group discussions will focus on the development of evidence based treatment strategies to improve balance and prevent falls.

Course Objectives: At the completion of this course participants will be able to:

  1. Discuss the control of balance within a dynamic systems model, and within the International Classification of Function, Health and Disability.
  2. Describe sensory, motor and cognitive contributions to normal and impaired balance in older adults and those with neurologic pathology.
  3. Discuss the rationale for selecting tests used to measure balance.
  4. Learn to administer sensory, motor and cognitive measures of balance, and discuss their psychometric properties.
  5. Develop an appropriate progression of exercises for persons with impaired balance.
  6. Based on a review of the research evidence, discuss current best practices related to balance training in pediatric, geriatric and neurologic populations.


Krishna Gundapudi, BSc, PG Dip (neuro rehab), MCSP, MIAP qualified in 1998 with a BSc Physiotherapy (Hons) degree and received a Post Graduate Diploma in Neurorehabilitation in 2005 from Brunel University, London. For a large part of his career, he worked with patients with various neurological conditions in acute, sub acute and long-term rehabilitation facilities at various levels. This clinical experience has equipped him with an advanced level of skills in assessment and treatment of various neurological conditions by using various approaches. His particular interests are in complex disability management, spasticity management, splinting, posture management, balance rehabilitation and hydrotherapy. He is currently working as a highly specialist physiotherapist for Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust.

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