Resolving Persistent conditions and Maximizing Patient Engagement

Leiðbeinandi: Mike Studer

Lokað fyrir skráningu

  • Dagsetning:
    25. ágúst 2024 - 26. ágúst 2024
  • Staðsetning:
  • Tími:
    08:00 - 17:00
  • Bókunartímabil:
    22. apríl 2024 - 12. júlí 2024
  • Almennt verð:
    139.000 kr.
  • Fagdeild verð:
    114.000 kr.

Snemmskráning fagdeildar FS hefst mánudaginn 22.4.24 kl. 12:00. Aðrir en félagar í fagdeild FS geta skráð sig frá og með 29.4.2024. 

Verð fyrir fagdeild hækkar 1.7.2024 og verður 114.000 kr. 



Resolving Persistent conditions and Maximizing Patient Engagement. Dizziness, concussion, fear and pain


Day one description:

Do you feel confident that you are doing everything you can for persons with complicated and

persistent cases such as chronic pain, post concussive, persistent dizziness, and persons with

fear (falling, incontinence and more)? What is the common thread? Is it cognitive/behavioral

overlay, anxiety, sympathetic nervous system or other influences? Could it be that these

syndromes and disorders are connected through the pathophysiology in the brain? If you are

not at all or are only distantly familiar with post concussive syndrome (PCS), persistent postural

perceptual disorder (PPPD) and fear..then this is for you.  If you are additionally

wondering if these conditions as well as some of the other “invisible” conditions, including

chronic pain syndromes, are somehow related – you would be correct to suspect and learn

more about how. Dr. Mike Studer delves

into the neurophysiology and more importantly applications for all of these conditions. 


Day one objectives:

Objectives: by the end of this day, attendees will:

  1. Have a working knowledge enough to define, identify and examine: PPPD , chronic pain,

persistent concussion, and fear.


  1. Have a working knowledge enough to state evidence-based interventions to reduce

persistent dizziness, and fear.

  1. Have a working knowledge enough to state evidence-based interventions for: chronic pain

and post concussive syndromes (pcs).


Day one timeline:

 8:00-8:45 an introduction to the persistent conditions: history of nomenclature and


 8:45-11:00 (break 9:30 x 15) Pathophysiologies of concussion, PPPD, persistent pain

and fear

 11:00-12:00  Connections between these (and other) disorders – ruling in/ruling out

 12:45-2:30 Practical applications for each of the persistent conditions and the

commonalities across approaches

 2:30-2:45 break

 2:45-3:45 The pervasiveness and current evidence in treating fear

 3:45 – 4:30 Case studies in PPPD, fear, persistent pain and concussion

 4:30 – 5:00 questions, summaries, and the future


Day two: Maximizing Patient Engagement and Potential in each person you guide (6 hours)


Day two description:

This part is comprised of the latest in rehabilitation techniques focused on fostering patient’s

self efficacy, autonomy, natural human motivation, adaptability, resilience, and independence.

Dr. Studer pulls from the latest in psychology, motor learning, neuroplasticity – incorporating all

of these evidence-based sciences with the soft skills and application of each in a practical

course for all participants. Help all of your patients achieve their full potential, regardless of the

condition. This course is for you if you are working in outpatient, home health, or SNF, where

patients can make a choice about attending, or refusing a therapy visit. Dr. Studer will address patient

engagement from the perspectives of motor learning, behavioral economics, psychology, from

the perspective of a nearly 35 year veteran therapist – that has never stopped learning and

innovating. No matter the diagnoses of the patients that you are seeing – be ready for practical



Day two objectives:

  1. Identify 3 barriers to behavioral change (adopting recommendations) that are commonly

seen in healthcare settings.

  1. Identify 3 applications for behavioral economics in the clinical, rehabilitative, or wellness


  1. Identify 5 common concepts in behavioral economics that apply to healthcare.
  2. Describe how to apply 3 behavioral economic concepts in their own healthcare



Day two timeline:

 8:00-8:30 Move over motivational interviewing and active listening…

 8:30-9:15 Welcome to behavioral economics: more familiar than you think

 9:15-9:45  Behavioral economics in healthcare: understanding choice architecture,

burden and the biases

 9:45-10:00 Break

 10:00-11:15 Creating reward through gamification, Fresh Start Effect, Endowment Effect,

autonomy, and loss aversion in health care and wellness: you win again!

 11:15-12:00 Dealing with low motivation, depression, and apathy.

 12:45-1:45 Helping patients choose best for health and wellness: Nudge, gamification,

loss aversion and choice architecture applied

 1:45 -2:35 Questions, summaries, cases and the future of psychologically-informed


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