Námskeið FS: The art & science of lower limb rehabilitation, a practiacal and clinical approach

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  • Dagsetning:
    7. mars 2020
  • Staðsetning: Húsnæði Ísí, Engjavegi 6
  • Tími:
    09:00 - 13:00
  • Bókunartímabil:
    14. febrúar 2020 - 6. mars 2020
  • Almennt verð:
    20.000 kr.
  • Fagdeild verð:
    18.000 kr.

Nýjar Ástralskar aðferðir í endurhæfingu og þjálfun á neðri útlim.

Michael Vadiveloo er Ástralskur sjúkraþjálfari frá Melbourne, sem hefur verið að þróa sína nálgun í endurhæfingu, einkum á neðri útlim og kennt fyrir APA eða Ástralska sjúkraþjálfarafélagið. Hann verður á ferðinni í Evrópu í mars, þar sem hann verður með erindi á IOC ráðstefnu Olympíusambandsins í Monaco og verður síðan að kenna í London, fyrir hóp sem James Moore stýrir.

Það kom upp með litlum fyrirvara að Michael mun stoppa á Íslandi í þessum Evróputúr og er því boðið upp á 4 tíma örnásskeið og fyrirlestur með honum þar sem hann kynnir sínar aðferðir, undir forskriftinni: „The art & science of lower limb rehabilitation, a practical and clinical approach."

Er hér um að ræða gott tækifæri fyrir þá sem áhuga hafa á endurhæfingu í neðri útlim, með áherslu á hreyfikeðjuna „kinetic chain“, en það sú hugsun sem aðferðir Michaels byggjast á þ.e tengsl distal og proximal liða t.d við hné.


9-11.15 Fyrirlestur

11.30-13.00 Verklegt 


Michael Vadiveloo FACP, is a Specialist Sports Physiotherapist (as awarded by the Australian College of Physiotherapists 2009) and International speaker on the functional assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of the lower limb kinetic chain and more specifically the knee.

He has lectured and presented workshops throughout Australia and Asia for the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA), Sports Medicine Australia (SMA) and the Chinese Olympic Committee at the Beijing International Performance Summit.

He currently presents a course he designed for the APA called the “ Art & Science of Lower Limb Rehabilitation” and continues to present on the “knee” and “clinical case presentations” for the Level 2 Sports course.

He is presenting his approach on the “ Art and Science of lower Limb Injury Prevention” at the IOC conference in Monaco in March 2020.

Based in Melbourne he is the director of 2 private practices (City Baths Spinal & Sports Medicine Clinic and Energize Physiotherapy and Clinical Pilates Studio).

He has also developed an app called SMARTherapist. It is an invaluable education and rehabilitation tool for clients/patients and is utilised by fellow therapists (physiotherapists, podiatrists) and clients.

He has a B.Sc degree in Human Movement Studies which has given him an invaluable knowledge base in biomechanical analysis and developing training and strengthening programs for clients and athletes.

Utilising his extensive 30 year clinical and elite sporting experience (physiotherapist at St Kilda FC in the AFL (equivalent to EPL/NFL) for 14 years , Michael continues to develop and present lectures and workshops that combine the practical application of current evidence-based techniques with his vast experience and observation of dysfunctional movement patterns to apply appropriate interventions to address these issues.

The Course: 

Participants will be introduced to the concept of Functional Anatomical Assessment and Rehabilitation (FAAR)

The course will be a practical and clinically relevant introduction and reinforcement of evidence-based knowledge in the assessment, intervention and rehabilitation of common lower limb pathology with an emphasis on the knee.

The course will help to consolidate and integrate the knowledge gained in the separate knee, ankle, hip and tendon courses currently run by the APA with a practical clinical focus.

A comprehensive multi joint approach to lower limb pathology will enable practitioners of any experience to confidently and accurately assess a client utilising a logical clinical reasoning process.

Participants will be able to utilise both manual testing, joint range of movement, special tests and functional movement assessment to determine the pathology, mechanism and underlying functional deficits contributing to the client presentation.

The FAAR concept will be explained, discussed and demonstrated to participants as a simple yet specific program that enables therapists to:

1/           Identify the deficits

2/           Isolate the contributing pathological/anatomical contributors

3/           Address the tight/stiff structures

4/           Activate the weak/deactivated muscles

5/           Strengthen the affected muscles

6/           Co-ordinate and stress the movement patterns for return to activity/sport.

Exercise intervention for the lower limb will be demonstrated and participants will experience the subtle changes in common exercises and movements that can completely alter the muscle activation once a more correct anatomical alignment is achieved.

Practical demonstrations of the different ways that the gluteals, quadriceps, hamstrings and calf can be activated utilising FAAR principle will enable clinicians to achieve a more effective and efficient response and improve the outcome for your patients.



Physiotherapists of all levels of experience will gain valuable practical skills to help them be more effective and efficient in assessment and intervention of their sporting clients. Physiotherapists in the clinical and sporting setting will gain invaluable insights into efficient and effective assessment and intervention.


Why is it beneficial

Physiotherapists treat patients with lower limb injuries every day and the ability to be able to assess, treat and rehabilitate these clients effectively and efficiently is paramount.

The ability to achieve the desired results within the clinical setting and not have to rely on expensive gym programs and facilities makes this program an essential adjunct for the time poor clientele we treat.

This practical approach with the FAAR program will help the participant bridge the gap in practical knowledge between undergraduate and post graduate education when assessing and treating the sporting client.

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