Tilboð til íslenskra sjúkraþjálfara
Frá University of Sidney, Ástralíu
Frá University of Sidney, Ástralíu
Dear Colleague
My name is Lisa Harvey. I am from the University of Sydney, Australia.
I am writing in the hope that you will be willing to let your students and colleagues know about the below FREE online courses/resources. They are:
1. Massive Open Online Course in Spinal Cord Injuries (MOOC)
There will be a FREE MOOC for physiotherapy students and physiotherapists interested in learning about spinal cord injuries. This will be a 5 week online course which requires 3 hours of time per week. Students can access the content at their convenience. The course is being run by the International Spinal Cord Society (ISCoS) and is similar to the course ran in 2014 which attraced 3,500 participants. The course leaders are Professor Lisa Harvey and Dr Joanne Glinsky from the University of Sydney, Australia (and representatives of ISCoS). Participants need to register.
Starts: 2nd May 2016
Register here – www.SCIMOOC.org
2. www.physiotherapyexercises.com
This is FREE online software made by physiotherapists for physiotherapists. It enables physiotherapists to generate individualised exercise programs for their patients. There is a library of over 1,000 exercises to chose from. Patients' exercise programs can be sent to their mobile devices as an App. This is now available in 10 languages thanks to all our volunteers from around the world.
You can view a 1 minute video which explain this initiative here:
This is FREE online training modules for physiotherapists interested in learning about spinal cord injuries. This was an initiative of the International Spinal Cord Society. The physiotherapy module contains 13 lessons with interative screens, videos, case studies and loads of practical tips. It is ideal for embedding into undergraduate or postgraduate training programs. It is now available in Spanish and Portuguese (and will shortly be available in French and Chinese).
LISA HARVEY | Professor |
John Walsh Centre for Rehabilitation Research | Sydney Medical School/Northern
Kolling Institute | Royal North Shore Hospital | St Leonards| NSW | 2065 | AUSTRALIA
T +61 2 9926 4594 | F+61 2 9926 4045
E lisa.harvey@sydney.edu.au | W http://www.rehab.med.usyd.edu.au