Hvernig meta sjúkraþjálfarar þjónustu sína? Hvernig römmum við hana inn?
Kynnum nýjan ramma sem getur aðstoðað sjúkraþjálfara í að skipuleggja þjónustu sína, innleiða nýjungar/breytingar og fylgjast með hvernig útkoman er
Kynnum nýjan ramma sem getur aðstoðað sjúkraþjálfara í að skipuleggja þjónustu sína, innleiða nýjungar/breytingar og fylgjast með hvernig útkoman er
Heimssamband sjúkraþjálfara (WCPT) hefur ásamt fjölmörgum öðrum samtökum og sérfræðingum tekið saman það sem kallað er: „A Framework to Evaluate Musculoskeletal Models of Care“.
Skilgreining: „Model of Care (MoC)“ is a person-centred and principle-based guide, usually presented as a document, that describes evidence-informed, best practice care for particular health conditions (in this case, musculoskeletal conditions). It outlines what care should be provided and how it should be delivered. A Model of Care is not an operational plan for a health service or a clinical practice guideline. MoCs are usually implemented as health services at a local level.
Orðsendingin frá WCPT:
The Global Alliance for Musculoskeletal Health are pleased to inform you of the first internationally-informed Framework for Developing and Evaluating Musculoskeletal Models of Care. This has been developed by a team of Australian researchers in partnership with the Global Alliance for Musculoskeletal Health.
We were part of the process and the document has both ER-WCPT and WCPT logos.
What are Models of Care?
Models of Care are guides or policies that outline the principles of care for particular conditions and how to implement that care in a local setting.
Who is the Framework for?
The Framework is intended to help those tasked with planning, implementing or evaluating health services to achieve an optimal Model of Care and its sustainable implementation. While the World Health Organisation has developed a guide to assist nations in assessing capacity for responding to the burden of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and lung diseases, this Framework assists nations specifically address musculoskeletal health challenges through Models of Care.
How was the framework developed?
Led by Associate Professor Andrew Briggs (Curtin University, Australia), the Framework was informed by experts from 30 nations, representing high, middle and low-income economies, using a phased research approach.
Why is it important?
As Governments and other agencies worldwide recognise the immense burden of disease associated with musculoskeletal conditions, Models of Care will become increasingly important as a system-wide response. The Framework will help to support development efforts in Models of Care and offer an approach to standardising evaluation.
Tengill á skjalið:
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Júní 2016
Unnur Pétursdóttir
Form. FS