WCPT - Heimssamband sjúkraþjálfara hefur tekið saman efni sem gagnast sjúkraþjálfurum á tímum COVID-19

Á þessum fordæmalausu tímum styður Heimssambandið vel við bakið á sjúkraþjálfurum og sendir hlýjar kveðjur


Með hlýjum kveðjum og stuðningi sendir heimssambandið okkur yfirlit yfir gagnlegt efni

Eftirfarandi póst fengum við sendan frá Jonathon Kruger, framkvæmdastjóra Heimssambands sjúkraþjálfara. Starfsmaður skrifstofu mun vinna í íslenskri þýðingu á textanum um leið og færi gefst en endilega kynnið ykkur þessar upplýsingar vel. 

Dear friends and colleagues

We are in unprecedented and challenging times.

Here are some key items from the resources we have collated and developed since early February:

Practice-based resources

We have endorsed and shared clinical guidelines for Physiotherapy management for COVID-19 in the acute hospital setting. These guidelines have been produced by an international team of expert researchers and clinicians in the intensive care and acute cardiorespiratory fields.

The guidelines are being translated into Chinese, French, Portuguese, and Spanish and will be uploaded to the website asap. If you would like to provide a translation into another language, please contact Freya Rodger at frodger@wcpt.org

Also the International Association of Physical Therapists working with Older People (IPTOP) has produced great Resources for exercise and physical activity.

Digital physical therapy practice

We have published a joint report, with INPTRA on digital physical therapy practice to help physiotherapists work effectively and appropriately online.

Courses and events

Our colleagues Physiopedia have developed a free online course about COVID-19 and have given free 30 day access to Physioplus for all universities

We have shared details about events that our member organisations and others have had to postpone or cancel due to COVID-19.

Information and resources

We have collated information and resources about COVID-19 for the global physiotherapy community

I have no doubt you are all doing everything you can but I want you to know that help is available. If there is anything that the WCPT team can do to support you and your team then please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards

Jonathon (on behalf of the whole WCPT team)

Jonathon Kruger
Chief Executive Officer